The "VET 2 business" aims to promote learning based on practice, by creation of an digital platform, based on platforms in the B2B model, addressed to VET institutions (Vocational education and training) and to companies. The system of VET institutions through its regular education and training programs runs a huge number of activities every day (catering services, web design, marketing projects, laboratory tests, 3D printing, etc.) addressed to learners in the form of exercises or simulations of real work.

The idea of ​​the project is to transform these activities into real and effective services and skillful and professional advice meeting the market's needs, addressed to small and medium enterprises through a digital platform where one company (in this case a VET provider) serves the needs and requirements of another company (eg. belonging to the SME sector).

Vet2b Objectives

The specific objectives of the project include:

  • design, implementation, testing and promotion of practice/work-based learning methodology into the VET education system through the intermediation of the digital platform;
  • increasing work opportunities for learners;
  • solving the presented problem through a cross-sectoral approach corresponding to the needs of VET institutions, enterprises, vocational education and training instructors and learners;
  • developing a cross-sectoral partnership in order to look at the subject through a European perspective.

Vet2b Goals

The goals of the project and the solution that it intends to implement are closely related to the identified target groups and the expectations of the interested parties. The main target groups are VET service providers and members of the SME sector at the local and regional level, while the project stakeholders are:

  • VET trainers and students together with local and regional public authorities,
  • Other public bodies acting to promote and manage activities in the field of labor market policy and employment.

Representatives of the above-mentioned groups, in various European countries, have opportunities to connect and cooperate throughout the platform. The methodology of practice/work-based learning be promoted and spread through a users network, having the impact on economy and labour market on regional and international level.

Application of classroom learning in real-world setting improves development of positive work-related habits of learners, including the ability to think critically, solve problems, deal with customers and resolve issues. It fosters confidence in the school system as practical and beneficial results are observed. creates an environment of collaboration and cooperation among the schools, the companies, and the community, contributing to building a more productive local economy.

They will work together to provide a wide range of real employment opportunities, both for organizations and individuals.

The takes place at the international level, thanks to which it offers participants an opportunity to better understand foreign conditions, participate and support a stable European network - all the key advantages of the labor market and a positive impulse for quality of work and employment opportunities.

Vet2b benefits

Benefits for schools:

  • Promoting in society the skills being developed by their students/trainees during their professional courses;
  • Responding to requests for business services, allowing more approximation to the reality of the labour market.

Benefits for companies:

  • Taking advantage of free and timely services by professional education students who can respond to the company's needs;
  • Direct contact with future professionals in diversified areas, and who may even get to join their team of employees;
  • Getting to know the educational offer of vocational education.

Benefits for Students:

  • Performing activities in real context, allowing the enrichment of acquired skills.

Benefits for the community:

  • Closer approach between companies and the VET schools.